Rz089status Version 2.0

Start: 2024-07-01 10:54:58
Department: Rechenzentrum
Priority: Normal
End: 2024-07-01 10:54:59
Affected: Alle Kunden
Typ: Generelle Info
DateTime Description Lang
2024-07-01 10:55:15 Please note that a Remote Unauthenticated Code Execution Vulnerability was found in OpenSSH server versions and the first distributions are now delivering security patches. An attacker does not need to be authenticated for this and could run commands in a root user context. If you have exposed OpenSSH to the Internet and do not have additional security measures such as IP blocking or others, please install the security patches for your distribution as soon as possible. As a general rule, always patch immediately. More about the security vulnerability: https://blog.qualys.com/vulnerabilities-threat-research/2024/07/01/regresshion-remote-unauthenticated-code-execution-vulnerability-in-openssh-server eng
2024-07-01 10:55:15 See ENG ger